Male Sexual Dysfunction
What is Male Sexual Dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction is any type of problem that keeps you or your partner from being sexually satisfied. It can happen to men of all ages, although it becomes more likely as you get older.

Male Sexual Dysfunction Symptoms
The most common kinds of sexual issues men face are erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems, and low libido.
Erectile Dysfunction
Ejaculation Problems
There are three types of possible ejaculation problems:
- Premature ejaculation — reaching orgasm too early, before, or soon after penetration.
- Delayed or inhibited ejaculation — reaching orgasm too slowly or not at all.
- Retrograde ejaculation — ejaculating into the bladder rather than through the end of the penis.
Low Libido
If your libido is low, you have little or no desire for sex. This can be problematic because sexuality is important for overall health and wellbeing.
Causes of Male Sexual Dysfunction
Typical sexual responses in both men and women are complex interactions of your mind and your nervous, circulatory, and hormonal systems. Male sexual dysfunction can be caused by physical or psychological reasons or a combination of those problems.
Physical causes may be:
- Low testosterone levels or other hormonal imbalances
- Heart or blood vessel disease, such as clogged arteries, and high blood pressure
- Nerve disorders
- Diabetic nerve damage
- Obesity
- Chronic kidney or liver diseases
- Smoking
- Heavy drinking or long-term drug use
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
- Injury to the penis
Psychological causes might include:
- Relationship problems
- Depression, anxiety
- Past sexual trauma or feelings of guilt over sex
- Work-related stress
- Low self-confidence
- Nervousness over sexual performance
Prescription drugs (antidepressants, high blood pressure medicines, antihistamines) can also cause or worsen sexual dysfunction symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your current medications.

Your doctor will likely begin by asking questions about your current symptoms, as well as your medical and sexual history. Given the topic, the questions will get personal, but don’t be embarrassed. Answering truthfully is important.
You will likely have a physical exam that could include an examination of your penis and testicles, a rectal exam to check your prostate, a blood pressure check, and blood tests for hormone levels, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Depending on the results, your prescriber may recommend a medication or send you to a specialist such as a urologist, endocrinologist, sex therapist, or other counselor to treat any underlying physical or psychological problems.
Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
If your testosterone levels have declined with age, you may benefit from hormone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement is a common therapy and may provide relief from many symptoms. Other hormones and supplements can be added — like pregnenolone, DHEA, aromatase inhibitors, chrysin, or trace minerals — to better regulate hormonal imbalances or address specific symptoms.
There are therapies that can be prescribed to help you maintain a healthy erection when you need it. Other medications, including oxytocin, may help increase your desire for sex if that has declined.

How Belmar Can Help
Belmar compounds bioidentical hormones and male sexual health medications in a variety of dosage forms, strengths, and combinations to help you feel more like yourself again. Dosage forms include injectable pellets, oral and sublingual tablets, blended creams, and injectables. We’re focused on ensuring your doctor has the right medication to fit your specific needs so that you can enjoy the best health and lifestyle possible.
If you are having any problems with sexual functioning, contact us for more information and start a conversation with your healthcare provider. Together, you can decide if a compounded prescription might be the right option for you.